La sottostazione interfonica antivandalica ad un tasto Vingtor 1008041100 è dotata di frontale in acciaio inossidabile AISI304, tasto corazzato; presenta un grado di protezione IP55.
Dispone di un relay programmabile, ad es. per il controllo accessi o per attivare una videocamera.
Zenitel 1008140130 TA-13 on-wall backbox is designed for surface mounting of standard wall plates. The backbox can be used to conveniently mount the Turbine Mini stations TMIS-1, TMIS-2, TMIS-4 and…
TVOD-server 3000 is designed to permit users to view, pause or rewind recent tv programs.
This device is easy to set up and maintain. After a loss of power or…
CU-100 Vingtor Talk back central control unit can handle a CTB system up to 10 users composed of both low impedance substations and 100 Volt line substations or group of louspeakers.…