La stazione interfonica digitale Vingtor VMP-503 è una stazione stagna adatta per installazione in ambienti tecnici non rumorosi. E’ dotata di altoparlante integrato.
Può essere abbinata ad una cuffia (VMP-36-PEL o VMP-36-PELP) o ad una cornetta (VMP-211 o VMP-250).
The ECPIR-P is an access panel developed for console mounting and used with Exigo control system. This panel features one programmable button that can be used for manually initiate announcements,…
The Vingtor IRR-24 relay box is suitable to drive a remote 24Vdc optical-acoustic signalisation.
It is equipped with an alarm stop push button and it is compatible with all the Vingtor 12 position selector…
The alarm interface module is used to send a dynamic message to the TV screen during an alarm and to mute TV when communication is given.
When input contact is…