L’altoparlante Vingtor CL-200T è un altoparlante per interno da montare ad incasso nei cielini. É tarabile da 6W a 1W. É adatto per sistemi PA/GA con linee a 100V.
É inoltre dotato di calotta in acciaio contro la propagazione degli incendi e di fusibile di protezione, secondo le normative internazionali.
The ECPIR-3P has three fully programmable buttons; it has also a PTT button that is used to start the announcement. This panel is developed for console mounting.
It is fully…
VSP-212M-L is a 20 position batteryless indoor station suitable for noisy environments (e.g. engine room, stearing gear, tecnical rooms…).
It it is equipped with a noise compensated microphone that allows to filter the background…
The 1008401000 IPDMH-V2 IP Desktop Master with handset is a general purpose intercom station intended for use where a desktop station is the most practical choice. It features a large…