Each vessel of 12m or more in length, shall be provided with a whistle.
The ship’s whistle is used for giving warning signals, for example in restricted visibility conditions.
Air horn type ITAS, according to COLREGS, is used as ship’s whistle for vessels between 20 and 75m in length. It can be mounted on vessels that have compressed air on board or with an additional compressor for ships without compressed air.
Inel-mar offers a wide range of pressure/ level transmitters.
The most common use for this pressure/ level transmitters is for level measurement, draft measurement or pressure measurement.
Inel-mar pressure sensors…
The INELTEH EET emergency engine telegraph is used to transmit orders between the wheelhouse and the engine area in emergency situations.
The system is type approved by GL, DNV, BV…
Level switches are designed for using on board ships.
They can be mounted on the top or on tank side and there is also have a submersible version with Teflon…